外资(欧美) 少于50人 机械/设备/重工 批发/零售
外资(欧美) 少于50人 机械/设备/重工 批发/零售
Company Introduction: Dichtomatik is an expert in sealing products and engineering solution for fluid applications: Hydraulic and pneumatic seals for pivoting movements, Oil seals for rotation movement, V-rings for dust and spill sealing, O-rings for static sealing under severe conditions and other profile like X-rings. Our main task is to supply our customers with the required seal as quickly as possible. Our extensive range – there are currently over 55,000 different types of seals in headquarter ’s stock – is continuously being extended. We are continuously working on improvement, procedures are optimized and services extended. The best possible customer support with regard to speed, flexibility and technical application is guaranteed and makes Dichtomatik a popular partner. Any seal, Any time. 德克迈特德氏封(Dichtomatik)是一家提供专业高品质密封件和密封系统解决方案的公司。无论是液压/气动密封件、旋转轴油封、防尘V形圈、还是静态O形圈和X形圈等,我们应有尽有。 我们的目标是以最快的速度给客户提供最好的密封产品和服务。目前我们储存的密封件种类已超过55000种,而且还在不断研发新的产品。 德克迈特德氏封(Dichtomatik)公司致力于持续改进,并不断优化程序和扩展服务。我们拥有快速、灵活及技术应用最优异的客户服务支持,它无疑能让德克迈特德氏封(Dichtomatik)成为您的首选合作伙伴。 Any seal, Any time. 最后,欢迎登陆www.dichtomatik.de来更多的了解我们公司。